Every day more and more options for online mental health support, coaching, and consultation come available.

  1. For individuals and family members, online access to coaching, counseling, and therapy ranges from $32 per week to be able to text your therapist to $99 per week to have live video sessions. Costs for individual therapy and coaching range from $125 per session to over $300 per session. Other membership sites offer limited content with no professional support starting at over $45 per month and going up to $99 per month for minimal access to professional support. While there are options for free support groups, these groups are not monitored or facilitated by trained and experienced mental health professionals.
  2. For professionals and agencies, the only option online is pay by the hour consultation starting at $100 per hour. (This does not include training or access to case management tools. The only other possible online comparison is case management software that does not offer guidance, case management support, consultation, or training and can cost from $30 to $60 per month, per user.) As you well know, hoarding cases take much longer than one hour to resolve and if you are not an expert in hoarding disorder or this is not your role in your agency, one hour will not come close to answering all of your questions and supporting you through an effective and efficient resolution.